Monday, January 7, 2013

Checking in!

Welcome to the New Year! I hope yours is as promising as mine! I think back ont 2012 and I realized something: I'm making my dreams come true! I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter, a nice home, lovely dog and most importantly my big dream of becoming an author is on its way to fulfullment! Seriously, a few years ago I felt like I was going nowhere fast and feltlike all my hopes and ambitions I had as a teen were what everyone told me would happen. DEAD. But, whether I was in denial or I'm just so stinking stubborn, I was determined to not give up. I didn't want to settle for a mediocre existance of day in and day out routine. So, I studied and read up on style and skills and everything else and  I got editorals and I did research on how to get published and I did everything I could to be published. And guess what? I got it! But a career as an author isn't permenant so I have to keep working at it and promoting and enhancing my skill.
So I say to you: Dreams are only dreams and they won't become more than that unless you decided to make it reality. With some hard work they can become reality. Nothing is out of reach unless you give up. There's a quote I remember as a YSA which said something like, you think: who am I to be great and wonderful? The question is, who are you not to be? We all have something burning inside us just desperate to come out. A gift, a thought, a desire. So never settle, always reach for your true potential because who are you not to be who you were made to be?