Monday, July 13, 2015

Where I Stand: Marriage

I think I've rewritten this a hundred times, knowing how sensitive of an issue this is. I want to make what I say fair ad honest, without coming across hateful, as that's not my intention. So, *deep breath* here we go.

To start out, I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not homophobic. I do not hate homosexuals, I'm not a nut who thinks they're all going to rot in hell. That's just downright awful. I know plenty of homosexual people and have respect for them as human beings and all they do. Just like every other minority, they contribute to society, and try to live their lives the best they can, and I respect that.

Now, onto the part I know will piss people off.

I disagree with same sex marriage.

Let's refer back to my post on Freedom. There I stated that disagreeing does not mean prejudice or hate, it's simply that: disagreeing. If anyone thinks I'm a hater for disagreeing, then shame on you for perpetuating the problem.

Now, marriage is based on two things which I am going to cover in detail. This is going to be a long rant, so bare with me. Two factors play into marriage: a biological response and an emotional response to the human existence.

Let's start with the biological response since that's built entirely on facts.
Living creatures are created with males and females. Yes? Okay, so plants have mixed, but they produce male and female reproductive substances, but we're not plants. We are mammals. All mammals have males and females, and we have evolved or been created--depending on your views--this way for a specific reason: to naturally reproduce and continue our species.
Males and females each contribute the same number of chromosomes in the creation of offspring. Twenty-three. All of these match up perfectly, and the twenty-third chromosome decides the gender so that the cycle can continue. That's how reproduction works, we learned it in high school.
With this biological need, the male naturally desires to pass on his genetic coding. We've all seen documentaries of male beasts battling it out for females and breeding rights, but thankfully humans, in general, are beyond that. But to pass on his coding, he needs that other twenty-three chromosomes that will match with his. Putting it bluntly, sperm and sperm don't match up, neither does an egg and an egg, but an egg and a sperm fit together. That's just how we are made.
So a male is drawn to a female to reproduce.
A female has the same desire, to pass on her genetic coding. And like the male, she needs that opposite to form the required chromosome bonding. So, she is drawn to a male to fulfill that. Ba da boom, we have a baby.
Marriage covers that natural need. A male desires a female to carry his offspring and care for them through life, while a female desires a male who can give her strong genetics, and security in bearing his children.
We all get that, right? Can't really argue science.

Now, onto the part people get touchy about, the emotional side.

As humans, we are emotional creatures. It sets us apart from the rest as we move past the basic instincts of eat and reproduce. Our emotions make us human.
Emotional responses are where attraction and love fall into place. I can't deny that I've looked at other females and gone, "Wow, she's gorgeous!" Usually it's followed by "That's not fair!" or some other jealousy ridden thoughts, but I can see the good physical qualities in the same gender as me. Ultimately I am drawn to men--in particular my husband, just to clarify!
Homosexuality is an emotional response. To be "born that way" goes against the biological structure of the human body. I know people are going to be pissed off about that, but seriously, biologically, it does not make sense. But, throw in an emotional need, now it makes sense.

This is why I don't have problems with homosexuals. If they chose to follow their emotional path and do what they think is best for them, go ahead. I do things I know people don't agree with, and that's fine. It's called individuality.

What I do have a problem with is denying the natural order of evolution/creation by "redefining" marriage. But you can't redefine how the body naturally works.

Marriage is also closely tied in with religion. Yes, I'm going there. Marriage, for centuries, even thousands of years, through all kinds of religions and faiths, is a union between man and woman. This union benefits the community not just through the production of more children, but for the stability and structure of societies. There is, in fact, studies popping up that have been done on adults raised by same sex partners in a stable relationship showing that they struggle socially and in other ways compared to those raised in a stable opposite gender relationship home. Children are being forgotten in this debate, and it makes me pretty sad.
 But in a religious sense, God created man and woman to be together, to care for one another, and to find the deepest form of happiness possible. In a religious sense, the creation of children is as close as humanly possible to godliness.

I've been married for a few years now, and have children myself. Before I married and started a family, I had glimpses of this deep happiness. But nothing compares to how I feel now. My husband brings me the deepest joy, not because we have sex and all the chemical responses that brings on, but because I can sit beside him and just know I'm safe. I know I can trust him and rely on him. Most of all, I find happiness in watching him grow because of our marriage and our children. His smile has grown warmer, his heart softer, his love deeper. His faith in his own abilities have grown, and he has truly grown from a boy to a man. That's what love is and what true marriage is about; watching each other become more as you build a family and life together. To see my husband and myself in our daughter is like watching magic come to life. It has redefined true love for me.

But, the problem is, the world has broken marriage. Where once it was treated like a diamond, now it's valued little more than common steal. I know of plenty of people who still care for and treat their marriages like a diamond, but in general...
Put it this way. We all have steal in our homes. Frying pans, pots, appliances, etc. It's all right there in our everyday life. Marriage often becomes like that, so when it breaks, like that frying pan, people toss it away. Divorce is the easy way out in most cases (abuse etc excluded.) Adultery gives one satisfaction, while it crushes the other's heart. Marriage has become a joke to society.
So then, why are we so up in arms about not giving it to homosexuals when the straight community doesn't care about it in the first place? It's like they're saying, "Sure, we don't want it. it's broken anyway, so go right ahead."
I'd be pretty insulted to be honest.

With the U.S. Supreme Courts ruling of all states must do gay marriages, I have grown even more concerned about this "redefining"for two reasons.

Number One: This is not true "equal marriage." People want equal marriage, okay, but now one door is open, many more will start popping open. We will see a push for polygamy, incest, bestiality, pedophilia, and whatever else is out there to also become legalized so that they can have their "sexual orientation" recognized and have "equal marriage." Some might think that's never going to happen, but ten years ago, gay marriage was never going to happen either.

Just ponder that one.

Number Two: This here is my biggest concern BY FAR in this issue. The voice of the few in high places have overruled all the votes of the people within the states that legally and fairly voted no. This is teetering on the edge of the collapse of freedom and democracy. If the court had taken it to the people as a vote, this wouldn't be a concern, but they have literally dictated this to happen. Yes, dictated, as in moving toward a dictatorship. This is terrifying!!! If they can do this for one thing, they can do it for more things, gradually taking bigger and bigger steps until suddenly, the people are silenced and expected to comply to all their wishes. Voting will lose it's power, and the "republic" will die.
Everything starts off small, slipping through the gaps of society's general approved acceptance, then slowly, piece by piece, oppression seeps in. Look at Hitler. No Joke. He was revered. He pulled the economies of Europe of out the gutter. He produced jobs, incomes, structured schools and hospitals. Most of the people had no idea he was committing mass homicide on the sly. He was charismatic, intelligent, and the people loved him. He said what they wanted to hear, so they followed him. While history labels him a villain, the people under his rule adored him, and followed his command to go to war because of this. These were normal people like you or me, intelligent, with families, friends, raised in rich culture and religions. They weren't mindless drones. By overruling legal votes made by states, the Supreme Court took a dangerous step down the same path and we more than let them, we celebrated it.

Just stop and ponder on that and where you truly want that to lead.

So, there you have it. We have broken marriage. I don't believe denying anyone anything is fair, but changing the rules is unfair. We are dancing on thin ice. Are we really ready to risk the fall?

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