Thursday, September 17, 2015

Where I Stand... Generally

The world is a chaotic mess. I sit back and I wonder what horrors my children will face because of the selfishness of my generation, and how we are teaching our rising generations to be equally, or even more so, as selfish.
We live in an age of wonder. Technology keeps moving forward so quickly that things from my high school years a mere ten years ago look archaic. The world is connected in a way that is unprecedented. We don't have to fret about missing our favorite shows or waiting for dial up. We have internet on our phones, books in digital formats, video phone calls.All we need is self drying clothes and hover skate boards and Marty McFly would be pretty close to spot on.
But yet, despite all this, along with medical advances and so much more, we are worse off. People are more alone than ever. Ignorance is wide spread because misinformation is so easily accessed and shoved in our faces to scare us. But more than anything, we lack humility.
We are in an age of pride, and pride is bad in this sense, because there is good pride; for example being proud of a child's efforts, and there is bad pride. Since the beginning of time, pride has been the downfall of nations. The English fell to the Americans not because the Americans greatly out numbered them and used better strategies, but because the English underestimated them. They thought they were superior in every wit, giving them the ultimate Achilles heel. Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Julius Cesar all suffered from the same ailment; pride. How easily have we forgotten and taken up their flag?
I see all around me our society crumbling from the inside while our enemies sit in wait, biding their time for us to show enough weakness to strike. I think 9/11 was testing the waters, and they found there was too much strength then. But what would the find now?
Nations divided. Left vs. Right. Even within parties there is whispering and deceit. In Australia they are on their fifth prime minister in three years. It's like elections have become redundant. In the U.S. I see aggressive verbal attacks trying to force the opposing side into submission in the name of "political correctness," while I see morality and courage trampled into the dust like it's the filth of existence. Love is now perverted into lust, parenthood and marriage a joke, families crumbling and being torn apart by selfishness, greed, and unfair judgment. When the family falls, so will we.
But what is there to do when the nosiest voices fill the ears of not only those in power, but everyone? It's hard to think for yourself when so many people are screaming in your ears. But these screaming voices will be our downfall. I often fear war is coming, a war greater a more terrifying than has ever bee seen. But then again, maybe I shouldn't fear it. Our generation has never faced the true fear of suffering with our smart phones, easy access to food, elaborate houses, and no concern or threat whatsoever. War forces humility. Maybe then the noisy voices that are destroying us will be silenced.

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