Friday, February 19, 2010

This week

We had a great Valentines/Presidents day weekend. We had our Valentines date on Saturday where we went out for Lunch then stopped at Toys'r'us where we bought our valentines "presents" a kite each. Then we went and saw 'The fantastic Mr. Fox' which is great by the way, very funny! Then after that we went to the Skyline football field and flew our kites... then as the sun went down we realised the stake adult valentines dance was in an hour so we rushed home to get ready. Thank goodness we live around the corner from the stake centre! The dance was average, but we had fun with the Cahill's and the Chambers and afterward since we all hadn't eaten dinner we went to TGI Fridays. BUSY day!
Monday was Presidents day so we went out with the Chambers to the Tonto National Monument, which are cave dwellings. We decided to go out via Tortilla Flats, which we discovered just beyond there the road turns to dirt and gets quite scary in some places! Landon kept saying "we're gunna die!". So I think it was about 20 miles of dirt road or a little less, when we turned a corner and BAM suddenly the Roosevelt dam just appeared in front of us! After that the cave dwellings were only about 5 minutes down the road. It was pretty cool, you could see the fingerprints where they had patted the mud to make it solid.
On the way back Landon decided to go via Globe, which is all sealed roads. The Chambers stayed with us and had pizzas and a movie. So it was a very fun day!!
That day also Erin Parrott had her little girl! AAAAWWWW!!! She is so cute, a mini Erin! We went to the hospital to see them on Tuesday night.
Now onto Thursday night. GREAT night. I had Girls Camp kick off which I went to because I get to be Cabin Mum boo ya!!! I'm so excited to go!!! It helps that my girls are awesome :-D So at that we were introduced to all the camp staff and YCL's (youth camp leaders? The laurels basically) and we did a bunch of activities around the stake centre. The theme this year is CIA - courage in action.
So there you have it, a busy week summarised in a few paragraphs! what a great life we lead!

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