Saturday, August 27, 2011

Today we are over at my in-laws to help them get Rylan's room ready for when he gets back from his mission in just over 2 weeks. Landon, Ammon and John were in the room painting it, as it hasn't had a fresh coat since the three of them all shared it when they were boys. It looks really good now, it's amazing what a coat of paint does! I got to stay out and play with Lilly and Kaleb which was pretty fun. Kaleb can be very funny.
My car was also fixed today, horray!!! Thanks to Del, my brakes work again! So I can get back to the gym again for my last month of membership :-(
Landon started school on Monday. He is really enjoying it so far, especially his public speaking class. Anyone who knows Landon will know that is right up his alley. He is excited for one assesment because they have to pick a couple of objects and talk about why they are meaningful to them. So he is going to take Lilly's teddy that she was given when she was born that says 'it's a girl!' and talk about how wonderful his little girl is. Then he will pull out my engagement ring I wore in Australia and talk about me! He's so sappy, I love it.


  1. Love it. So glad that you got to do some work together as a family and that your car is fixed. He should tape his talks. I would love to hear what he says


    mum H

  2. I'll tell him to tape it, doesn't mean he will!

  3. That's his choice. He may feel uncomfortable doing that.
