Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day Four: Stuffed Shells with Sausage an Mushrooms

Back into the fray today. Something I've noticed while doing this is how clean my kitchen is staying. I can't stand working in a messy kitchen, and I need to keep on top of my dishes so I have cooking utensils. Plus, when I'm cooking I clean as I go, and then promptly feel the overwhelming desire to fill the dishwasher. It's great!
Anyways, onto the cooking... I underestimated how long my preparation would be for this one, and my compulsive clean as I go probably didn't help. But the little one did insist on climbing into the cupboard where I was working, and my vegetable slicing still needs work. I'm pretty slow at that.

During that time, Missy Moo decided to go out the back and play with the dog. Meanwhile, Landon came home and I pretty much kicked him out of the kitchen. So he went out and had quality time with Missy helping her ride her tricycle. Aw!!! I'm starting to see this adventure will benefit our family in more ways than a home made meal and saving some money.
Again, this recipe was fairly simple. Make a ricotta mixture, cook some mushrooms and turkey sausage, splice up some spinach, add cheese, and fill the shells. The only set back with this is it has a long baking time, so making sure you have it in the oven well in advance is something I will need to remember.

Taste: Yum. Good flavor, but we agreed it needs a bit more zing, so next time we will try some red pepper flakes.

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